Monday, March 23, 2009

Why do I do this???!!

I am a HUGE procrasinator. I manage to get the work done but not without all night studying or writing. Tomorrow my 2500 word research paper is due and I am just starting to write it. I got the research part of it done a couple of weeks ago but failed to start on it like I should have. Tonight will more than likely be an all nighter followed by a long day of school tomorrow. Hopefully I can ward off the crabiness from lack of sleep by keeping in mind that it's OVER. No more big projects for the rest of this semester. It's pretty much coasting for the remaining 2 months or so. Ha! I took a 60min nap today knowing it was the only shut eye I would be getting for a while. It felt so good but when I woke up I knew it was time for me to roll my my sleeves and get to work. As you can see i'm taking a break from writing. My eyes are burning and a headache is forming behind my eyes.....already! goes.

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