Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Monday

This past week has been an adventure. Not a cool one either. One that I would prefer to never go on again and I'm sure those around me do not want to be part of this one ever again. It is very tiring(emotionally/physically). In life I am working on taking the road less traveled and not the easiest one. It's so frustrating to waste an entire week doing dumb things and then looking back and seeing how dumb it was. I could have been doing a lot of important things but instead did not do much of anything. My heart aches a little over that. Good thing I serve a great God who is full of grace and mercy. Whew! That's all I can say is thank you Jesus. This past week my pastor and his wife have been a huge Godsend. They both have spent hours(no joke) texting me and trying to work with me. I do not want to go into too much detail but figured I may as well blog about something.... Sis K is so awesome! She sat with me today for a couple hours while I ummm did homework. I could go on and on about her awesomeness but anyone who knows her understands what I am talking about. Also, Bro Krantz is the best Pastor-dad in the whole world! He rocks! I am very thankful for such a dedicated and spiritual man of God in my life. When I grow up I want my husband and I to be like the Krantz'. So, if you're out there husband you better go meet my Pastor. You have some big ol shoes to fill.


Kevin Timothy Evans said...

Like size 15 shoes!

Sis K said...

oh are a sweetheart! thank you for your kind words! we love you!