Friday, January 2, 2009

Random True facts about me(Thanks Sonia!)

*I stepped on a slug when I was 17 and cried
*One of my legs is longer than the other(that's why I stand off to one side)
*I cannot stand when my hands are even a little big dry.It drives me loco
*My dog is actually my best friend
*I hated all animals until I got Frank
*When I jokingly say I am going to bawl and pass out, I am not kidding.
*I get carsick when I drive my own car
*I want to adopt a teenager
*I am too lazy to go green
*I hate almost all veggies
*For me the beach is the happiest place on earth
*I feel sick to my stomach when there is any kind of conflict even if it doesnt involve me
*Growing up scares me
*I didn't ride my first rollercoaster until I was 16
*Most card games confuse me
*I'm always freakishly cold
*I hate swimming
*I loved dissecting frogs in 7th grade
*In 9th grade I took an F for a project because it involved collecting bugs
*When people chew gum I want to punch them
*Old people gross me out
*I've broken 4 bones in my body
*Anti aging products make me smile
*Feet make me want to vomit
*I got hit by a car. One of my best friends,Erica, just happened to be the driver
*Candyland is still my favorite game
*I once didn't eat for 8 days
*I do not have my green card

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