Monday, January 12, 2009

13 Things I want to do before I get old and wrinkly(not in order!)

1.Get married
2.Travel Africa
3.Go skydiving
4.Write a book
5.Adopt an orphan
6.Learn a language
7.Finish college
8.Learn to cook
9.Learn an instrument
10.Beat Josiah at Super Hula Hooping
11.Read the Bible as many times as possible
12.Win at least 20 souls
13.Hike a mountain


amber. said...

I don't think I've ever attempted "Super Hula Hooping"'ll have to clue me in on that one! ha ha

Whitney's said...

We have so much in common, except...skydiving, learning to cook (I can) Super Hula Hooping, finishing college, and get married...otherwise...we are practically twins!Oh and the fact that I am old, and wrinkly! That is a very good list HollyAnna!